
Roth IRAs: A Powerful Tool for Tax Efficient Planning

Roth IRAs: A Powerful Tool for Tax Efficient Planning

It’s hard to believe the Roth IRA has been around for 27 years. Over the years, the frequency of questions about its pros and cons has fluctuated, but with uncertainty surrounding the future of taxes, it’s worth revisiting the risks and rewards of choosing a Roth IRA...

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Understanding Medicare’s Initial Enrollment Period

Understanding Medicare’s Initial Enrollment Period

Navigating the world of Medicare can feel like deciphering a complex code. However, understanding the initial enrollment period is crucial to ensure you get the coverage you need without incurring costly penalties or gaps in healthcare coverage. Let's break down what...

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The Importance of the Medicare Open Enrollment Period

The Importance of the Medicare Open Enrollment Period

Medicare's annual open enrollment is pivotal for the nearly 65 million Americans enrolled in Medicare. Medicare's Open Enrollment Period (OEP), also known as the Annual Election Period, is a crucial annual occurrence for Medicare beneficiaries. This period is designed...

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Stay ahead of the curve with Social Security Advisor.

A companion resource to Ed Slott's IRA Newsletter, this is the go-to "all things Social Security" newsletter and reference tool for financial professionals. Providing practical applications to commonly asked and misunderstood claiming rules, Social Security Advisor is a must-have for any financial and tax professional who wants to add value to their financial and tax planning process.

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